Oil & Gas Onshores

Access Control

From simple stand-alone access control systems that don’t require server environments, to fully network based access control systems which are capable of handling up to and above 1000 doors and users.

Biometric Access Control has proven an essential and reliant tool for business such as retail department stores, industrial and commercial premises, public building such as schools, libraries and hospitals. Biometric Access Control Systems have the ability to let authorized personnel into
secure areas and giving you the ability to stop people entering unauthorized areas.

Our solution means that our clients can select various access control systems integrated to suit their exacting needs. Our services include:

Biometric Readers – Facial recognition, retina scanning, hand and thumb print Readers
Proximity Fobs
Swipe Cards
Automated Gates
Vehicle Barriers
Car Parking Lots

From simple stand-alone access control systems that don’t require server environments, to fully network based access control systems which are capable of handling up to and above 1000 doors and users.

Biometric Access Control has proven an essential and reliant tool for business such as retail department stores, industrial and commercial premises, public building such as schools, libraries and hospitals. Biometric Access Control Systems have the ability to let authorized personnel into secure areas and giving you the ability to stop people entering unauthorized areas.

Our solution means that our clients can select various access control systems integrated to suit their exacting needs. Our services include:

Biometric Readers – Facial recognition, retina scanning, hand and thumb print Readers
Proximity Fobs
Swipe Cards
Automated Gates
Vehicle Barriers
Car Parking Lots
Our Integrated Digital Access Control Systems are designed for the following situations,
environments and applications:

Offsite monitoring – The ability to remotely access and log on to your site anywhere in the world allow staff access to controlled areas – full access control of the movement of personnel within your facility Monitoring of secure and “unauthorized” areas

  • Time Keeping – Time and Attendance Management
  • Full audit availability
  • Remote Control of Gates, Barriers, Doors and other Access Points
  • Remote Control and Monitoring of Machinery
  • Boom Gates & Turnstiles
  • Our provision of these security elements enables our clients’ tighter control over access points to
    their sites. By reducing the number of access points we are able to reduce the risk of exposure a site
    may be susceptible to.